
At BuildingLink, our core beliefs are very specific, and they govern what we do and how we do it. Here’s what we believe, and what you can expect of us:

Putting Excellent Management First

While we provide a range of entertaining resident-facing posting areas, networking opportunities and special offers, we put serious management needs first (and have always done this, for seven years!) We believe that the very first resident "amenity" you will want and need to provide is top quality management, not restaurant reservations. After all, managing a $500 million asset and 15+ employees deserves a world-class platform.

Relentless Innovation

You have put your trust in us by letting us help you manage your properties, and we believe in repaying that trust with constant, significant improvements, beyond your expectations. Some of the "firsts" we have pioneered over the years are electronic signature capture, resident package display, handheld mobile support, auto-dialer support, emergency broadcast functions, and even our very own internet-savvy key security system. Our recently introduced BuildingLink 2.0 Integrated Platform is truly a home run in innovation. (Some recent competitors who have started imitating a few of our features are three years behind in their functionality. By next year, they’ll be six years behind!)

Providing Value That Greatly Exceeds Costs

We want to make your purchasing decision easy. Harnessing advanced technology and adopting best-of-breed methodologies lets us deliver value to our customers that is at least ten times greater than what it costs them. (Our customers sometimes mistakenly think that our annual fee is our monthly fee!) One annual fee gives you access to every feature of our multi-million dollar platform. We avoid "a la carte" pricing for our modules, because we want you to feel free to experiment with as many tools as you’d like without fear of making a financial mistake.

Eliminating Frustration

Using computers and software can be frustrating. Pleasing property managers, building owners and residents can be challenging. We aim to eliminate that frustration as much as possible. We supply comprehensive and patient onsite and online training, easy loaner and emergency replacement equipment, and invaluable experience that we bring to you from our over 3,000+ installs and operating buildings. Hundreds of highly customizable rules for your site allow us to fit the site to your needs, not the other way around.

Street Credibility instead of Sales 'Spiels

We believe that a decision about how to operate your property is too important to be made based on a slick sales presentation or glossy brochure (though we can give you that too if you want). Anyone can "sell" you a nice website as part of a "get-rich-quick" venture, but finding the right operating platform and long-term partner to make your operations hum better and more creatively each year is not as easy, and the stakes are higher. That’s why we encourage you to speak with or visit any of our 3,000+ buildings, or to talk to any of the 25+ veteran industry management companies that rely on us every second of every day. Unlike anyone else in the industry, we have the time-tested track record to prove that who we are and how we do things works, and we are proud of it.